Monday, November 22, 2010

Freja Beha

Alright, so as I said previously, I would write about this stunning and upcoming model of the moment : Freja Beha
She started modelling in Danemark at the age of 18, and got discovered pretty fast due to her stunning figure and undeniable beauty.
The editor and chief of Elle Magazine said, and I quote "Because of Freja's particular beauty she has been booked for practically every runway shows she had tried to get, and has been stomping on a lot of younger models."
At the age of only 19 she worked the runway for Donna Karan, Jean Paul Gauthier, Christian Lacroix, D&G, Prada and much more.
Not only does she book so many fashion shows, she also appeared on Paris Vogue in 2005, and was on a 6 page spread in the Nov.issue Paris Vogue.
Freja Beha has such a diverse look,and an amazing body with legs that do not end.
I must add, that usually in the modelling world, tattoos and a big NO-NO,Freja has at least 6 tatoes, a 3 on her arms, 2 on her back, and one on her neck, in a year she has booked more jobs than a model that has been in the industry for 3 years. I must say she is one of my favorite models.
Some might say she isn't as beautiful as Gisele, or Cindy C. or even Adrianna Lima, but I find her so special, so intriguing, so mysterious, it's the kind of beauty you won't see everyday, and I guess that is why she has been making her up in the industry.
You know what they say ? Beauty is not all about having a pretty face, it's much more.

Well anyways here are some pictures I found, some are from the Paris Vogue nov.issue, others are not recent. I'd love to write more, but I just came down with a cold, and I'm feeling pretty woozy..fuck that.

Peaceee ! xx

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