Friday, May 14, 2010

High Fashion.

This article is still about Anya Kop, Im about to post some other pictures of her...
This is a model that shows so much diversity it's incredible, That's what I call a truuue model. I mean If i were a truuue photographer in the fashion industry (maybe in the future im still trying to see what I want to do, become a fashion editor or a fashion photographer..humm) I would love to shoot her, it would be a truuuue joy.

She goes Brunette, to Dark brown, and back to blond & It's weird how she appears so different, the dark brown makes her look mysterious, almost evil, we don't know what the hell she is thinking, the blond is sooo babyy doll, very Chanel ( That reminds me at the age of 17 she was booked for Chanel's fashion show in Honolulu)

Now this first photos, I love what she is wearing, kind of like "My boyfriend's pants" with a classy camisole. That's something my sister Dalia would wear...
Anya has this special pose she does quiet often, the hand in the pants pocket (or jacket) ...Maybe it's her thing, like a signature pose ? I know one thing she really loves putting angels into her pictures. Note how classy she looks here, veryy Paris.

Second picture...HELLO weirdo !
Total nerd goth alert , loving it !
The Boy ishh boots, the blazer that is wayy to big, and the white camisole...the colors are well chosen = Black and white, hello contrast.
I'm the kind of girl that really likes to play with peoples hair, and put make up on them (I'm not bragging but im really good at it ) so anyways, check out Anya's make up, pale foundation, she slightly looks like a ghost, really bushy brown eye brows ( it suits her) and dark lipstick, it's very mysterious.
Her hair, you would think it's shit, and how can someone ever get paid for such a hairdo...? Well believe it or not that hair stylest is a LEGEND, it's really hard to do a messy hairdo and still look fabulous..Believe me I've tried it haha.
One thing I don't really like in this picture, is the context...I think an all gray background would've been way better, but who am I really to even talk or judge huh ?

OK, now this is the last picture I'm posting of her today, as I am getting tired after a day of hard work.
DIVERSITY I she is again, giving us a different pose, different look, different face expression...she's doing the "Ugly-pretty" Tyra Banks talks about.
It's slightly Tokyo Fashion Week make up, I'm saying this just coss of the shape of the eyebrows (straight and darkkk as hell) & her bluee lipstick hello very Chin Tchai zue.

I'd comment more about this picture but waw im hellaa tired. I'll write tomorrow :)

Night. Xxx

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